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The Most Trusted Brand In Supercharging For Over 30 Years...

The Most Trusted Brand In Supercharging For Over 30 Years...

2018-2019 Model Years Added for 6.4L & 5.7L HEMI Tuner Kits...

2018-2019 Model Years Added for 6.4L & 5.7L HEMI Tuner Kits...

The group of performance-minded enthusiasts at MOPAR have built something that demands attention. The current model HEMI powerplants are some of the most potent factory engines available today. The extremely...
2015-2017 Dodge 6.4L & 5.7L Charger & Challenger Tuner Kits Now Available...

2015-2017 Dodge 6.4L & 5.7L Charger & Challenger Tuner Kits Now Available...

The group of performance-minded enthusiasts at MOPAR have built something that demands attention. The current model HEMI powerplants are some of the most potent factory engines available today. The extremely capable 6.4L & 5.7L HEMI engines have no trouble making power, and benefit greatly from the added boost available from a Vortech Supercharger System. The new 2015-2017 HEMI Tuner Kits from Vortech Superchargers are now available and ready to transform your 6.4L into a Hellcat eating monster, and your 5.7L into a tire shredding beast!
Vortech Superchargers @ The Spring Festival of LX 2019...

Vortech Superchargers @ The Spring Festival of LX 2019...

The 14th Annual Spring Festival of LX event took place in Pomona California, and it was certainly the place to be for anyone who is a fan of modern HEMI-Powered...
Jon Reed Blasts Into The 7's With Vortech Supercharged Power...

Jon Reed Blasts Into The 7's With Vortech Supercharged Power...

Article Reposted from RacePages Digital: Written by Ainsley Jacobs   The only time a racer likes when his (or her) world record gets broken is when he (or she) is...
The Montana Dodge Boys Set Multiple Land Speed Records With Vortech Supercharged Power...

The Montana Dodge Boys Set Multiple Land Speed Records With Vortech Supercharged Power...

The story of the Montana Dodge Boys and their Fast Four Special began in earnest on August 14th, 2007. On that faithful day, near the end of Bonneville Speedweek, Peter "Pedro" Hendrickson, of Bozeman, Montana, was stricken with a serious case of salt fever...
Autocon 2014 With Vortech Superchargers…

Autocon 2014 With Vortech Superchargers…

Autocon is a must-attend for enthusiasts of Import and Domestic alike.
RIPP Superchargers @ Moab 2014...

RIPP Superchargers @ Moab 2014...

RIPP Superchargers @ Moab 2014...