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2019 Heats Up With Vortech Racing Action All Over The U.S.A.!

2019 Heats Up With Vortech Racing Action All Over The U.S.A.!

The 2019 Race Season is in full swing, with events happening all over this great country of ours. From cars going really fast in a straight line, to cars generating lots of smoke while driving sideways, racers everywhere are finding that there is nothing out there better than the efficiency and reliability of Vortech Centrifugal Superchargers. Over the last week, Vortech Supercharged racing action could be found at multiple events, and multiple types of events. Here are just a few of the highlights...
Vortech Superchargers @ Duck X Productions Sweet 16 2.0

Vortech Superchargers @ Duck X Productions Sweet 16 2.0

This past weekend one of the largest collections of high horsepower radial tire cars anywhere converged on South Georgia Motorsports Park for the Sweet 16 2.0 event. X275 and Radial Vs. the World Class cars pounded the pavement and thrilled the crowd all weekend. Here is a recap of just some of the Vortech Supercharged action that took place..
Even More Wins & Broken Records For The Year @ World Cup Finals...

Even More Wins & Broken Records For The Year @ World Cup Finals...

The same week as the SEMA show every year, the Imports Vs. Domestics World Cup Finals is a quarter mile drag racing event that is easily one of the most...